Second & Fourth Section Regionals Errata 

In preparations for the upcoming Regional Championships, Kapitol Promotions have released an official errata for bands in sections two and four that are hoping to book their Cheltenham places over the next few weeks: 


‘World Tour’ (Rodney Newton) 
Bar 1 & 3 – timpani – there should be two grace notes before the crotchet, not one. 
Bar 60 – Eb bass – note should be a written A (i.e. unison with Bb basses), not a B. 
Bars 90 & 92 – timpani – there should be no roll on the crotchets (the ties are correct, though). 
Bar 97 – timpani – semibreve roll should be tied over to the quaver on the next bar. 
Bar 100 – solo cornets – remove the slur. 
Bar 138 – soprano & solo cornets – remove the slur. 
Bar 263 – timpani – there should be no roll on the crotchet. 
Bar 280 – timpani – there should be no roll on the crotchet. 
Bar 289 – timpani – tie as at bar 97. 
‘Ex Terra Lucem’ (Jonathan Bates) 
Letter B – solo cornets III & IV – dynamic should be ‘mp’. 
3rd bar of letter H – baritones – dynamic should be marked ‘sub. p’ 
2nd bar of letter J – euphonium – last note is a D not a C (i.e. as solo cornets etc.) 
5th & 6th bars of letter Z – repiano cornet – the part is correct and not the score (i.e. C in bar 5, moving to D in bar 6). 
To clarify – throughout the percussion III part, the hi-hat notation used is as follows – cross headed notes are closed, diamond headed notes are open. 
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