Kingdom Brass make a long term link with Porthouse

Kingdom Brass has announced that they have formed a long term musical link with conductor Ian Porthouse. The Musical Director of Welsh band Tredegar will start work with the band in preparation for taking the band to the Scottish Championship in March 2018. 

Commenting on the new venture Ian said: "Having spent a weekend with the band I'm delighted to form a long term musical relationship, starting with the Scottish Championship next year. Kingdom shows the motivation to progress and understands the hard work needed to regain its position back in the Championship Section." 

A spokesperson from Kingdom Brass said: "We are equally delighted that we have been able to persuade Ian to work on a long term basis with us. We've worked successfully with top conductors in the past for one off events, but this partnership with Ian is one we feel will really benefit over the long term. With our excellent resident conductor, Paul Drury, we feel we have the best conductors in place to bring future success. We're ambitious as a band and aim for a quick return to the Championship Section. We are sure this team will help us achieve that goal." 

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