Pro-practice with Roger Webster
This month, Pro Practice host and Besson Artist, Dr. Roger Webster, banishes those practice gremlins with sound advice that offers real progress…
If, like many brass players, you seem to be ‘too busy to never get around to’, or ‘not quite sure what to practice’, then read on.
Practice should not just be about time spent locked away struggling with elements of playing that you find difficult. Practice (and I’m referring to personal practice, not band practice/rehearsal) should be a balanced combination of targeting those elements of technique and musicality needed to improve us as players, PLUS maintaining and working on those elements that we enjoy and have competency in. In other words, it’s not just about the things we can’t (yet) do…
Read this article in full, featured in April’s BBW, by subscribing to BBW Digital. Alternatively, subscribe to the printed magazine delivered by post: £40 (UK); £68 (Europe); £81 (Rest of the World)