BBW Interview: Howard Snell

In an age of instant gratification and over-hyped, Internet-fuelled claims of ‘World-class’ status, it's useful to take a step back and reassess the contribution of one of the true giants of brass banding.

The name Howard Snell belongs among an elite group who transformed the way in which we hear the brass band through their prowess in brass orchestration. He stands alongside Alex Owen, William Halliwell, Eric Ball, Gilbert Vinter, Elgar Howarth and Philip Wilby at the pinnacle of the craft.

It is hard to overestimate the impact that Howard had on the concert repertoire of the day….

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Read this interview by Sandy Smith in full, featured in December/January BBW, by subscribing to BBW Digital. Alternatively, subscribe to the printed magazine delivered by post: £40 (UK); £68 (Europe); £81 (Rest of the World)


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